Monday, December 28, 2009

Cheap International Airfare

Always looking for the cheapest way to do things, I searched several websites that claimed to have cheap international airfare. The cheapest from Traverse City, Michigan to Quito, Ecuador, was $1720. Out of curiosity, I checked Miami to Quito, and it was only $404. Airfare from Traverse City to Miami was $299. Book two separate flights and I could save more than $1000! The discount sites aren't set up to check in this way, so you have to do this on your own.

Of course, if your first flight is late and you miss the second, you may not get a refund, so plan some time between flights. In any case, it's still cheaper (every time I checked) to just book a flight to Miami and catch a flight to Quito without a reservation, thus avoiding this problem. This strategy is for those in towns without international airports. If you live in Miami, you already have cheap international airfare.

Buy Cheap Aifare Online

We've found that travel agencies just can't compete with the discount ticket websites. You can search Google ("cheap airfare Europe", for example), or go straight to one of the well-known sites, like Expedia, Travelocity, Cheap Tickets, Hotwire or Priceline.

Doing a quick search for the cheapest airfare from Tucson, Arizona, to Buenos Aires, Argentina, using the five sites mentioned, here's what I just found: They ranged from $1221 down to $873 for the lowest fares, with fares as high as $3728. Hotwire happened to be the cheapest, but they were the worst of the five when I searched for a domestic flight earlier. You cannot say which service will find the cheapest international airfare from week to week. My number one money-saving tip is to always check several websites when shopping for inexpensive flights.

Courier Flights

Courier companies ship things using the luggage space of an aircraft passenger. It can be quicker, cheaper, and more reliable than sending the shipment unaccompanied, since checked luggage bypasses many of the typical customs delays. The company purchases tickets, and then they resells them to you. In exchange for your luggage space, they give you a discount on the airfare.

I saved $160 on my plane tickets this way when I went to Ecuador the first time. I had several suitcases full of car parts, but there was a representative of the courier company on either end, and I looked inside the luggage, so I knew what I was carrying. I carried a plane propeller on the return trip, which wasn't much trouble, and made a good story.

It's easiest to be an air courier if you travel alone. Ocassionally, a courier company will have opportunities for flights on or near the same date. If not, your travel partner can pay full fare on the same flight. You also are usually allowed carry-on luggage, since the point is for the shipping company to use your checked luggage allowance.

Once in a while, air couriers fly internationally for free, and almost always very cheap. It's a matter of how badly the company needs you and how flexible you are (can you fly to London on Friday?). Air courier opportunities are becoming rarer, due to the recent heavier regulation of international flights, but there still are opportunities. Find out more at The Air Courier Association Website ( The ACA can also help you get really cheap plane tickets by way of airline ticket wholesalers, discounters, last minute specials, and stand-by travel.

More Tips For Cheap International Airfare

When searching the discount websites, try several different departure and return dates if you can. The difference of a day or two can save you a lot. There's little logic to airfare pricing, so don't try too hard to figure it out. Just be aware that if you leave on Friday instead of Wednesday (or vice-versa), you may save $100.

Check the boxes that say "any time" for departure and "2 or more connecting flights". Even if you aren't sure that you want to leave at midnight, see what your options are. The savings might change your mind. When search criteria allow you choices, first take the ones that are the least restrictive for the airlines. If the savings aren't enough, you can always book first class, direct flights, or whatever you prefer.

Buying your plane tickets two weeks in advance is usually cheaper. There can be a dramatic difference (but not always) if your trip is over thirty days. You may want to cut it from 32 days to 30 to save hundreds of dollars on your fare. Play with the dates. You never know what you might discover.

When my wife and I went to Ecuador for six weeks, the cheapest discount plane tickets we could find were $3400. Instead, we took a bus to Miami ($352 round-trip for 2), then flew from there to Quito ($622 round-trip for 2). We saved $2400. I'm not recommending this, but for us, it was worth a couple days on a bus. (The whole six weeks cost $2400.)

Spend a few minutes or an hour to do some research, if you want really cheap international airfare.

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Neon Clocks

Do you have a neon clock in your home? If not, then you’re totally missing out on all of the many advantages of having one. For one, a neon clock can instantly add vitality in any space. People can choose a wall clock with color or design they want. In earlier days, they had the shape of pendulums and gears, but now they are available in many forms like watches, atomic clocks etc. These days, neon wall clocks feature various subjects – from famous celebrities to religious leaders to rock music icons. You can use one in order to accentuate a specific wall in your home. Neon is powered through a lightweight neon transformer with an on/off switch on the cord. Secondly, a neon clock can be a great decoration especially since there are now lots of designs, themes and shapes available. If you’re a parent, for instance, and your son is a big fan of football, you could purchase an NFL neon clock. Neon has come a long way since its inception, it was used only for signs, but now neon clocks are available in the market and they are used for business and personal use.

There are also neon sports clocks that feature Major League Baseball (MLB) team logos. Some of the examples are a café house specializing in cappuccino may have a "cappuccino" picture in the neon clock; a car dealership selling porches may have a "Porches" picture blinking inside the clock.

If you usually leave home at around 4 am, when everything is still pitch dark, you could place a neon wall clock near the bathroom or in your bedroom so that you could be constantly reminded of the time while you’re preparing yourself for work. Other types of neon sports clocks are Major League Baseball (MLB) teams. You can hang these in children's bedrooms, washrooms, kitchen or drawing rooms. Remember that the commonly used neon clocks have 12 inch to 17 inch diameters, hence, you have the option to choose which one is best for your customers. He can find the time by just lying down on the bed.Nowadays these clocks are made according to customer's specifications.

You can also choose a neon clock for your work table which is available with a 3 inch diameter. Some of the examples like coca cola, Jack Daniels Whiskey, Harley Davidson, NFL pictures etc. If you only need a small one that you could place on your work table, you could purchase one with a 3 inch diameter. Small clocks are found in homes and offices and larger ones are found in public places like train station or church. This might prove to be a bit expensive but you’ll realize in the end that it’s a worthwhile investment. You can find these clocks in various colors like white, orange, green, blue etc.

Nowadays people want their interiors to look attractive, so they use all types of designer lights and even Neon clocks to give a beautiful look. Hence, Neon clocks have made a revolution in this modern world.

You can buy Neon Clock and enjoy great deals.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Baby Shower: The Welcoming Committe on Board

Finding out your pregnant is the best news of all. Well, second to hearing the grand proposal of a lifetime. After a successful wedding ceremony, hearing that your love has borne fruit is the icing on the cake. For first time expecting mothers, it is a difficult and herculean task to search and look for all the right stuff and equipment the baby will need. Moms-to-be need to list down all the things the baby would need at the soonest possible time so that little by little, each item can already be purchased and readied for the baby's arrival. But there is another easy way to almost have it all, without getting too much headache over it. The solution is to hold a baby shower party! The only headache mom-to-be would have is the menu she would have to prepare on that day and that is easier for her.

Now the burden of searching and looking for baby stuff is passed on to the invitees. But another concern is raised. How will the baby shower go about? The best answer there is, is to have a theme that would guide the flow of the baby shower. There are several ways of choosing and deciding on a theme. Do you want it to be based on color? In case you already know the gender of the baby, pink or blue is used to universally represent a baby girl or a baby boy. Or baby items such as a pacifier or a baby bottle? How about character-themed baby shower such as the Sesame Street, Power Puff Girls, Dexter's Laboratory or the Looney Tunes? It could also be a time-of-the-day baby shower whereby each invitee is tasked to bring something the baby would need or use during that time of the day.

From, it suggests wonderful baby shower gift ideas such as a baby gift basket, a layette gift set, vital baby equipment, beautiful baby linen, a baby massage set, or a baby gift certificate. Each gift idea is unique. For the baby gift basket, some ideas they suggest is to create your own baby gift basket or go for the classical clothing baby gift basket where you can never go wrong. You can also go for monogrammed baby gift baskets, fun baby basket, mother and baby basket, gift basket for twins, or a pampering baby gift basket. They also have different suggestions for baby girl and baby boys. For the complete descriptions for each item, just visit their website and read on to find fantastic baby gift ideas.

Once the baby shower is finished, take stock of what is already there and not. For those items still missing from your list, make the necessary arrangments to have it readily available once the baby arrives.

Just some last few tips for a successful baby shower: hold it four to six weeks before the due date, establish a theme, write down the guest list, set the tone and size of the baby shower, plan the games, plan the menu, create baby shower party favors, and last but not the least, set the time and location, if it will not be held in your residence. Remember, baby showers are a fun way to welcome the baby that would be coming soon enough.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

3 Blunders To Avoid on Your Weight Loss Journey

There are times on your weight loss journey when progress can come to a halt. Days or weeks can go by without you seeing movement on the scale, and it can get downright frustrating. After working with thousands of clients, I’ve noticed certain patterns that can cause this weight loss stoppage. Here are 3 of those patterns.

1) Eating more than you think you are.

Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Zone Delivery Service, and other diet systems have one undeniable benefit to them – they define for the average person how large an actual “serving” is. Most of us underestimate the volume of food we eat (and consequently, underestimate the number of calories we consume in a day).

By fixing in your head what a serving size or “portion” of food looks like, we can better estimate (and consequently, evaluate and calibrate) the amount of food we eat at each meal. Keep in mind, when it comes to weight loss, you need to take in less calories than you burn each day.

Two good rules of thumb:

A portion of meat (3 oz.) is the size of a deck of cards.
A portion of carbohydrates (1 cup) is the size of a tennis ball.

Please remember to fill up on non-starchy vegetables – they are full of nutrients, have very little impact on blood sugar, and contain little in the way of calories.

2) Not eating frequently enough.

It is a social custom to eat “three square meals” a day. While this may do for social purposes, for weight loss, you will want to aim for more frequent feedings. It is recommended that you consume a minimum of 5-6 small meals each day. By doing so, your body gets the signal that food is abundant, and there is no need to conserve energy.

Additionally, frequent feedings maximize your metabolism, as your body is constantly busy, burning calories by digesting your meals. By not letting too much time pass between meals, you stabilize blood sugar levels since they never really get the chance to drop. By keeping your blood sugar stable, your hunger levels are minimized, decreasing the chances that you will be tempted to overeat at your next meal.

3) Choosing to drink your calories instead of eating them.

This is a very common problem among those attempting weight loss, due to the abundance of “healthy” diet smoothies, protein concoctions, and weight loss shakes. There are 2 factors to keep in mind when relying on these liquid meal replacements.

First, many of the liquid diet shakes on the market and all fruit smoothies have an abundance of sugar in them. This causes an immediate surge in energy followed by a huge crash due to the release of insulin to control the blood sugar rise. This dramatic shift in blood hormone levels (particularly insulin levels) is something you want to avoid, both for health reasons and for weight loss.

Secondly, most weight loss shakes are devoid of fiber. Fiber is one of your most precious allies when you are dieting. It helps you feel full and blunts the rise in insulin levels when all that sugar hits your bloodstream. While fruit smoothies do contain some of the fiber from the pulp of the fruit, a better strategy would be to eat the actual fruits contained in the smoothie.

Lastly, the amount of calories that can be concentrated into a shake or smoothie is far greater than the equivalent volume of actual food. A 16 oz fruit smoothie may contain as many as 600 calories, and will not fill you up all that much! On the other hand, eating 600 calories of fruit will prove to be much more than the typical person can manage in a single sitting (at least, I personally don’t know anyone that can eat more than 2 pounds of bananas at a single sitting!).

Think about it- when making major dietary changes, you want to get the most out of your calories. Wouldn’t you rather fill up, rather than drink something and be hungry again soon after?

Health Free contains the latest information about weight loss plans. We provide tips on how to lose weight fast with diet plans, healthy diet plans, weight loss programs to easy diet.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Some Sound Colon Cleanse Advice - A Great Start to Good Health Knowing Just When to Colon Cleanse

While it is widely recommended that we colon cleanse periodically, it may be hard to know when to colon cleanse. Your body will usually tell you when you need to cleanse. Below are some of the symptoms that you may experience when you need to cleanse your colon.

If your colon needs to be cleansed you may experience bloating, gas, and a bounce between constipation and diarrhea. This is called IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This is an actual medical condition and for some, the symptoms will remain despite colon cleansing, but for the majority of people, IBS is an indication that the colon is struggling and needs to be cleaned.

While a general feeling of sluggishness occasionally may mean that you need more rest, a persistent feeling of sluggishness may be another indicator that you need to cleanse your colon. Since essential vitamins and minerals are absorbed through the colon during the digestive process, if your colon isn't clean and working properly, your body won't be able to absorb all the vitamins and minerals that it needs to keep you feeling healthy.

You may be surprised once you cleanse your colon to find out how much of your health was affected by a dirty colon. You can end up losing a good deal of weight from having all the excess waste removed. You could end up with more energy, better looking skin and hair. While colon cleansing is not an absolute and final answer to good health, it is a great step in the right direction. Just make sure to maintain your newly cleaned colon, or you could end up back where you started.

And, check out to learn more about colon cleansing. While you're there pick up your Free Report that outlines the 5 things you must know before making your own homemade colon cleansing or buying a colon cleansing product.

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

What to Pack on Your Alaska Cruise

Your Alaska cruise tour will owe much of its success or otherwise to what you pack. This is because the Alaska weather is unpredictable, and can catch you unprepared.
What you pack on your Alaska tour holiday also depends on which part of the continent you will be visiting.
But follow these tips, and you will have some of the best times of your life on the Alaska luxury cruise.
During your Alaska cruise vacation, temperatures could swing from single digits to 20 degrees Celsius. Hence, dress in layers, so you can take off or as add as required.
It might rain, so do pack stuff like a raincoat, an umbrella, a pair of walking shoes which you can afford to get wet or dirty. Also, get a waterproof jacket, preferably the thin types, so that they do not take too much space in your suitcase and at the same time prevent you from having a wet, miserable day outdoors.
Pack a pair of gloves. Even on sunny days, it might be chilly if you are next to a glacier.
Most Alaska cruise ships do have one or two formal wear dining days. For such occasions, tuxedos are fine for men. If you don't want to or have forgotten to pack one, don't fret. You can usually rent a tuxedo on board. Women can wear a long or short evening dress as they choose. Again, though some Alaska cruise lines like Cunard are particular about the formal dressing, others have loosened up.
Alaska offers many a memorable long walk. But do not bring new shoes as they may cause blisters from the walks; get old ones instead. Also, get some rugged clothing for outdoor activities.
Though it may seem fancy to wear one dress only once on the cruise, you will end up with a bulky suitcase. Cheap Alaska cruises do offer you laundry services for a fee or have coin-operated laundry facilities. Recycling clothes on your cruise trip is okay.
Whatever you do, do not over pack. Because, your cruise cabin will be small, so pack light and pack smart for an unforgettable Alaska cruise.

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Breast Cancer Signs

Although there is no known cure for breast cancer, if it is caught early, it can be treated. The treatments that a patient can undergo are designed to chase the tumor into remission. Therefore, with this hope in mind, it is important that a malignant tumor be caught in its early stage.

Cancer, the abnormal growth of cells in the breast is usually found in women who are twenty-five years old and older. However, a few cases have shown, men, that is, about one percent of men can develop this disease. Nevertheless, as pointed out by the percentage, this is not common.

Although this is not common in men, the signs that this disease may be present in a male or a female are the same. However, it must be pointed out that these signs can also be an indication of something else.

Lump or Growth

The most obvious sign of this ailment is a lump in the breast or armpit. A self-examination test, once a month, or a visit to the doctor can expose any lump in this area. However, bear in mind, growths do appear and disappear because of ones menstruation. Still, visit a doctor if you find a growth in this area.


Apart from milk, due to pregnancy, if you are experiencing discharge from this part of the body, do not put it off, it is best to visit a doctor.

Changes in Shape and Size

No one else knows your breast as well as you does, so, if you notice any unusual changes in its shape or size, do not ignore it.

Inverted Nipples

If you observe that your nipples are turning inwards, this also may be an indication that everything is not working as well as it should be within your body.

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